Information List

    新型コロナウイルス感染症の感染拡大等を受けた留学生への対応について/Special measures for student visa holders in response to the Covid-19 (出入国在留管理庁からのお知らせ)



    Special measures for student visa holders in response to the Covid-19


    The Immigration Bureau has special measures for student visa holders in response to the Covid-19.


    They address various situations so please see below.




    ★In case you continue to study in an educational institution after your graduation


    It is possible to continue to study in an educational institution such as graduate school, university, Japanese language school if you could obtain permission to renew your student visa.

    ⇒ 現在在籍している教育機関から転籍等をして教育を受ける場合やこれまで在籍していた教育機関でない教育機関で教育を受ける場合も更新可能。

    You can renew your student visa even if you want to study in a different field at your current educational institution or at a new educational institution.

    ⇒ 日本語教育を受ける場合は通常2年間の在留が認められるが、これを超えて更新可能。

    Students who learn Japanese at a Japanese language school are normally allowed to stay for a period of 2 years, but are now allowed to extend their stay beyond this period.

    ⇒ 資格外活動許可を受けた場合は、原則として1週につき28時間以内のアルバイトが認められる。

    If you get a part-time work permit, you are allowed to work for 28 hours a week.



    ★In case you don’t continue to study in an educational institution after your graduation

    (1) 2020年に教育機関を卒業した方が、帰国便の確保や本国国内の住居地への帰宅が困難であると認められる場合は、在留資格『特定活動(6ヶ月)』への在留資格変更許可が可能。

    If you have graduated in 2020 and the Immigration Bureau has confirmed that you are unable to book flights or are struggling with going back to your home country, then it is possible to change your student visa to a designated activities visa and stay for a period of 6 months.

    ⇒ 就労を希望する場合は、資格外活動許可を受けなくとも、1週につき28時間以内のアルバイトが認められる。

    If you want to work during that period, you are allowed to work for 28 hours a week without obtaining a part-time work permit.


    ⇒ 卒業後であっても1週につき28時間以内のアルバイトが認められる。

    If you have graduated in 2020 and already obtained a part-time work permit and the Immigration Bureau has confirmed that you are unable to book flights or are struggling with going back to your home country, then you are allowed to use the permit to work for 28 hours a week even after your graduation.



    ★In case you have a job offer after graduation


    It is possible to change your student visa to an Engineer/Specialist in Humanities/International Services visa if you meet the requirements.



    ★In case you want to continue to look for a job in Japan after your graduation (only if you graduate from university, technical school and vocational school)


    If you obtain the designated activities visa, then it is possible to look for a job for a year after your graduation.

    ⇒ 通常、就職活動を行う場合は卒業から1年間の在留が認められるが、これを超えて更新可能。

    Generally, you are allowed to stay in Japan to look for a job for a year after you graduate, but you are now allowed to extend your stay beyond this period.

    ⇒ 資格外活動許可を受けた場合は、原則として1週につき28時間以内のアルバイトが認められる。

    If you get a part-time work permit, you are allowed to work for 28 hours a week.



    ★In case a company has already hired you, but you have to wait to start work due to Covid-19.


    If you have received a job offer and obtained a designated activities visa while waiting to start work, you are allowed to stay for up to 1 year and 6 months after graduation, extending the usual 1 year.


    It is possible to extend the period of your stay, if the company changes the date to hire you.


    Also, you are allowed to get a part-time work permit.

    (*) 取り扱いにより許可された『特定活動』を更新するための申請は、在留期限の概ね1か月前からの申請を受け付ける。1か月前より前に申請する場合、審査結果が出るまで長期間待つ可能性がある。

    (*)The Immigration Bureau will be accepting the designated activities visa application approximately one month before the expiration date of your current visa. The examination might take longer, if you apply for it earlier than a month.


    The Immigration Bureau will be examining based on your application form for extension of status of residence and your statement of reasons.







    ・出展費用(1ブース):本会正会員無料、本会賛助会員3万円(税込)、非会員 5万円(税込)


    【お問合せ・お申込み先 】
    関西留学生国際交流支援連絡会 事務局
    〒530-0047 大阪市北区西天満2-8-5 西天満大治ビル5階(株式会社ビズライブ内)
    E-mail: info@k-fis.jp






    学校種別 学校名
    国公立 大阪大学、京都大学、神戸大学、大阪市立大学、奈良女子大学 他
    私立 近畿大学、大阪産業大学、関西学院大学、神戸情報大学院大学 他
    専門学校 エール学園、ECC国際外語専門学校、大阪バイオメディカル専門学校 他
    海外 ベトナム、アメリカ、イギリス、バングラデシュ、トルコ 他



